Classique Hora Mundi 5719

5719PT/US/9ZV DD0D

Classique Hora Mundi 5719

5719PT/EU/9ZV DD0D

Classique Hora Mundi 5719

5719PT/AS/9ZV DD0D

Classique Hora Mundi 5719

메모리 기능과 즉각적인 시간 변환이 가능한 타임 존을 갖춘 최초의 기계식 시계는 다이아몬드와 사파이어로 장식되어 있습니다.

이 하이 주얼리 모델의 베젤, 케이스밴드, 러그에는 17캐럿 이상의 바게트 컷 다이아몬드와 사파이어가 세팅되었습니다. 기술적 측면에서 이 제품은 푸셔를 한 번 누르는 것만으로 미리 선택된 두 타임 존의 시간을 즉시 확인할 수 있습니다.

기술 사양

case hight
46 mm
15.1 mm
사파이어 케이스 백
between horns
러그 폭
23 mm
크라운 유형
비나사식 크라운
water resistance
Type de boucle
버클 유형
투 폴드 디플로이먼트 버클
Matière boucle
버클 소재
컴플리케이션 목록
센터 세컨드 날짜 메모리 기능의 제2시간대
케이스 젬스톤 세팅
17.861 다이아몬드 캐럿 166 바게트컷 다이아몬드
폴딩 클래스프 젬스톤 세팅
0.304 다이아몬드 캐럿 0.25 Carat saphir 37 브릴리언트컷 다이아몬드 1 카보숑컷 사파이어
다이얼 젬스톤 세팅
2.27 다이아몬드 캐럿 1.48 사파이어 캐럿 76 바게트컷 다이아몬드 154 브릴리언트컷 다이아몬드 83 바게트컷 사파이어

사용자 설명서는 이 시계에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공합니다.

사용자 설명서 다운로드

Calibre 77F1

파워 리저브 55 시간
너비 36 mm
두께 6 mm
보석 수 39
주파수 4.00 Hz
와인딩 자동
이스케이프먼트 실리콘 평면 스프링
부품 수 384
Calibre 77F1
Breguet’s artisanal crafts

At Breguet, the artisanal crafts are not just a mere exercise in watchmaking mechanics.

Today, guillochage has thus become a true signature element of the House of Breguet. The brand did not merely adopt the technique, but also pushed it to new heights: about thirty engine-turning lathes were built right at the Manufacture. Being similar to old machines, they were given a state-of-the-art update in terms of ergonomics, lighting, optics, and precision. The workshop thus fitted became one of the most important in the entire watchmaking industry, as its artisans are able to craft a wide variety of geometric patterns. Pushing for ongoing renewal and improvement, a research and creation unit was set up specifically for this technique, whose task involved the development of new shapes and patterns. Guillochage is added to almost all the watches at Breguet – to the dials, the cases, the rotors, the plates, or the caliber bars.


Lorem ipsum

Today, guillochage has thus become a true signature element of the House of Breguet. The brand did not merely adopt the technique, but also pushed it to new heights: about thirty engine-turning lathes were built right at the Manufacture. Being similar to old machines, they were given a state-of-the-art update in terms of ergonomics, lighting, optics, and precision. The workshop thus fitted became one of the most important in the entire watchmaking industry, as its artisans are able to craft a wide variety of geometric patterns. Pushing for ongoing renewal and improvement, a research and creation unit was set up specifically for this technique, whose task involved the development of new shapes and patterns. Guillochage is added to almost all the watches at Breguet – to the dials, the cases, the rotors, the plates, or the caliber bars.


Lorem ipsum

Today, guillochage has thus become a true signature element of the House of Breguet. The brand did not merely adopt the technique, but also pushed it to new heights: about thirty engine-turning lathes were built right at the Manufacture. Being similar to old machines, they were given a state-of-the-art update in terms of ergonomics, lighting, optics, and precision. The workshop thus fitted became one of the most important in the entire watchmaking industry, as its artisans are able to craft a wide variety of geometric patterns. Pushing for ongoing renewal and improvement, a research and creation unit was set up specifically for this technique, whose task involved the development of new shapes and patterns. Guillochage is added to almost all the watches at Breguet – to the dials, the cases, the rotors, the plates, or the caliber bars.


Lorem ipsum

Today, guillochage has thus become a true signature element of the House of Breguet. The brand did not merely adopt the technique, but also pushed it to new heights: about thirty engine-turning lathes were built right at the Manufacture. Being similar to old machines, they were given a state-of-the-art update in terms of ergonomics, lighting, optics, and precision. The workshop thus fitted became one of the most important in the entire watchmaking industry, as its artisans are able to craft a wide variety of geometric patterns. Pushing for ongoing renewal and improvement, a research and creation unit was set up specifically for this technique, whose task involved the development of new shapes and patterns. Guillochage is added to almost all the watches at Breguet – to the dials, the cases, the rotors, the plates, or the caliber bars.


Craftsmanship is precious to Breguet. We gathered our skills in more than 250 years of practising.

Find out more

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