

26 June 2017 - Points of sale

Breguet Is Celebrating the Tourbillon in the USA

Modern watchmaking would not be what it is without the numerous contributions of Abraham-Louis Breguet. If we had to only speak about one, it would be the invention of the tourbillon, whose patent was applied on 7 Messidor, year IX in the Republican calendar or June 26, 1801. This date appears on the back of most of Breguet timepieces featuring a tourbillon. 

Several celebrations took place throughout the US on the occasion of the tourbillon’s birthday, in the presence of clients and journalists who were able to discover some of Breguet’s most beautiful models featuring this complication. This invention was the star attraction, down to the guests’ plates – as it’s now a tradition– through impressive and original horologically-inspired pastry creations.